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What is Reiki Energy and How Does it Work

This video discusses how direct, concise, and simple Reiki touches and nourishes our body, mind and spirit in our every day lives. Reiki is a simple method of tapping into what we already innately do when we do not feel well and even how we touch each other when hurt. Reiki amplifies the power of healing through touch thus creating an inherent flow of universal energy transference given to others and self when a healing is required. Reiki can be practiced by anyone and by any age. It is the initiating process of how Reiki flows through the hands in a precise way to be given. There are different degrees of training to enhance the different degrees of energy one wishes to work with in the form of giving or receiving Reiki on self and/or others, including plants and animals. Reiki’s intent is only positive, helpful, limitless and pervasive with all of life.

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