Discover the Health Care System of Reiki
Every human is the builder of a temple, called their body- Henry David Thoreau
You are encouraged to experience a Reiki treatment. This will tell a person all they need to know about what healing can happen with Reiki natural healing. Reiki simply gives the body, mind and spirit the energy it needs to clear blocks, reawaken the senses, and heal itself.
Each session unblocks and integrates new energy levels pertaining to the pain source or issue to a physical area, emotional memory or thought pattern, where the healing priority is required at that moment, individually furthering a place of homeostasis.
The number and frequencies of treatments vary on the individuals healing needs of a specific health condition or regular health maintenance program for adults, children, animals or situations. Practitioners can offer guidelines, considering there is no promise of results or guarantee a specific healing time. Recommendations for a lasting healing would be to receive a series of Reiki treatments until the problem is no longer present, and Reiki training provides ongoing ability for clearing, cleansing, grounding, balancing and opening a healthier state of well-being. Discuss with your Reiki professional what can best serve your healing needs.
Reiki is a healing art that is widely accepted by medical professionals around the globe. Reiki is recognized to enhance, compliment and complete health care programs that many people desire and are searching for.
Truly allow complete relaxation and healing with hands-on in person sessions. Each session lasts an hour with additional comprehensive talk time before and after a session giving appointment time around 90 minutes.
Recipients are fully clothed while laying comfortably on a massage like table. A light laying of the hands by the practitioner allows positive nourishing life-force energy to begin flowing freely into every part of your being. Each hand position lasts 3-5 minutes to seek out the highest healing priority needed for balance and wholeness while working off the previous hand position covering the entire body front to back, and head to toe.
A mental treatment provides a quickening of clearing accumulated stored emotional and mental energy. One may feel sensations in some way that pertains to the blocked energy Reiki is working to clear. Healing sensations can be experienced even when the session is completed.
Reiki treatments can be given from a distance allowing the practitioner and recipient to receive healing from anywhere in the world. Distant Reiki is an advanced method taught to practitioners in second degree training.
Distant healing is becoming more popular in today’s world and what a gift it is to be in the comfort of your own home, or situation like travel, hospital, or workplace, while receiving Reiki. Sometimes we need to be in the place or circumstance required to provide an overall healing associated to treat the underlying hidden problem or condition.
The recipient experiences similar healing sensations as hands-on, yet without touch. Distant sessions can take up to an hour of receiving healing energy during the appointment time, and once the session is over a treatment report is emailed with the areas of healing. Optional 15-minute phone consults are provided to follow up on healing progress during a series.
Energy clearings are for the removal of stagnated negative energy that has been accumulated by past and present occupants, even in places and things we use in our everyday lives.
More than one session may be necessary to remove built up accumulated energy is best recommended to make your space harmonious for everyone.
For distant Reiki requires a business or home location, name of business, or vehicle type, (outside or inside). I connect to the location or object energetically, and completely cleansing it from all past and present negativity, entities. Cleansing of energy is recommended whenever you feel the energy getting tense in your home or office. The session fee is for 1 location, if you have multiple locations, it will require a fee for each one.
We set up an appointment time and a report of findings will be emailed after the cleansing is complete.
Just like for people, and animals, this service is for people that are struggling to keep their home and business cleansed from negative energy and challenges. Add on an in-person ceremonial blessing.
Book a session or series of Reiki sessions to perform multiple clearings.
Children’s curiosity, purity and innocence directly recognizes Reiki energy as simple, concise and understanding. It is our birthright to naturally connect and mature with innate capabilities in all areas of life. A developing child, teen and young adult that receives Reiki, in the form of treatments and or training, allows for better focus, communication, collaboration, accountability and positive thinking patterns. Children with Reiki have strengthened immune system that provides less sick time and better school attendance. This is a way for healthier generations to exist and better the way of living for our children and their children.
*Ability Examples: stronger immune system, compliant to task completion, intelligent emotional understanding, reconcile peacefully with opposing conflicts, self-esteem/self-worth, reinforce positive thought patterns, self-reliant to treat physical traumas rapidly, unify with diversity, adapts to changes, healthy innate belief system, relate non-judging to others/self…

* Cold/Flu, Depression/Anxiety, Aches/Pains, Stress/Addiction, Disorders/Syndromes, Pre/Post Surgery, Conception/Pregnancy/Delivery, Post-Partum, Loss/Bereavement, Deficiencies/Imbalances, Dis-ease/Hospitalization, Pre/Post Cancer, Caregivers, Weight Management, Acute Care, Chronic Conditions, PTSD, Sleep disorders, Fatigue, Behavior Patterns, Complaints
*Common Disruptive Situations: Relationships, Finances, Health, Business Endeavors, Travel, Ceremonies, Tests, Public Speaking, Courtroom Litigation’s, Retirement, Life/Career Changes, Accidents, Medications, Hospice, Hospitalization, Buying and Selling land or home, Divorce