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Creating Balance and Wholeness

Creating Balance and Wholeness

Jenna Keck Reiki MasterClick here for featured article in Maui Vision Magazine Spring/Summer 2022

Do you seek lasting healing to experience healing as W.H.O.L.E. (Well, Happy, Open, Loving, & Energetic)? For years I questioned what it is to feel perfect, whole, and complete. Reiki truly taught me how to naturally be an active participant in transforming fears and limiting beliefs that no longer serve my highest good.

How I see it, Life-force is instrumental in integrating new experiences, opening limitless possibilities, and embracing new opportunities and ideas. This contributes to life aligning and reconnection efforts and attitudes that are needed for social reformation to achieve the necessary acceptance and freedom that benefits humankind, and all living things. This is especially true when drama from old ways of doing things seems cumbersome, overwhelming, or doesn’t make sense.

The inner processing takes time as we attune to the “big picture” and how we fit into it. Being present will allow you to be the most receptive to a new possibility of realizing wholeness today. Reiki makes all this possible and easier for everyone.

Through Reiki you can explore the depth of ways to reach your healing truth. The exploration runs from day-to-day living, to health care, and to ultimate freedom in a safe way by transcending your fears and defeating your saboteur. I believe it is the lasting way to rebalance any area of health and happiness. In Reiki we uncover together emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual aspects that constitute your world. The result is to thrive as the best version of yourself. Your life is already perfect, whole, and complete, but it can get even better! I am here to guide you on your journey and to assist in the transformation of your life while returning to wholeness.

Jenna Keck is a full-time practicing Reiki Master, ordained interfaith minister, and member of The Reiki Alliance. She offers in person and remote healing sessions, Reiki Trainings, spiritual counseling, ceremonies, and wellness retreat programs. Call Reiki with Jenna, 408.621.4102, or visit

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