Start the year with clarity and creativity! Join me Sunday, January 26 @ 5 PM for a Vision Board-making Workshop...
Energize Your Business 101

Tuesday, November 17, 2015 12:30pm – 2:00pm
at Maui County Business Resource Center, Maui Mall
Do potential customers go right past your business as if it wasn’t even there? Or do you have a dramatic energy pull that brings customers in who are not even sure why they are there? Are you ready to improve upon energy flow in all aspects of your business.
1. How to identify blocked energy in your business.
2. Learn ways to clear it.
3. Acquire ways to maintain a harmonious energy flow.
4. Evaluating your results.
Plus a helpful handout reminder!
Facilitated by Shalandra Abbey
This is a Complementary Community Event, but you need to pre-register by phone only to reserve one of our last 10 seats:
Shalandra Abbey is a Reiki Master and author of the popular Reiki Book, “Living a Life of Reiki.” For the past 25 years she has been practicing Reiki full-time in Hawaii and around the globe. In 1989, she resigned from the IBM corporation because she found an exciting, simple way, for people of all ages, religions, and cultural backgrounds, to work with the energy that is all around them to promote their health and well-being.
Click here for more information about this event.
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