The Ion Foot Cleanse, a unique and effective method that purifies the body, is an excellent alternative for those sensitive to herbal or fasting protocols. Its distinctiveness is bound to pique your interest, making it a standout choice for your wellness needs and sparking your curiosity to learn more.
Think about how you feel when you stand by a waterfall or walk along the beach with waves breaking at your feet. You breathe deeper into your lungs and abdomen, your brain feels clear, and the pain in your body subsides. You feel relaxed and at peace with the world.
These invigorating reactions are caused by the ionization of the trillions of water molecules as they merge with the earth.
An ionic foot bath combines water, salt, and a small electrical current to produce charged ionic energy promoting detoxification. In a 30-minute session, the color of the water in the bath changes. This color change is caused by the oxidation of the metal plates in the bath reacting with solutes in the water as toxins are released from the body. Over the next 24-48 hours, toxins continue to be flushed out of the body naturally through the lymphatic and excretory systems, providing a reassuring and natural detoxification process that you can trust.
Rashes, dark circles under the eyes, swollen joints, yellow-green complexions, and blotched skin often indicate a buildup of tissue acid wastes inside the body.
Clients have shared their personal journeys, reporting significant improvements in their health after undergoing several Ion sessions and making dietary modifications. They have experienced a substantial reduction and even elimination of many conditions, making the Ion Foot Bath a compelling option for your wellness journey.
Ionic foot baths offer several benefits, including:
- Improving lymph circulation, like a Swedish massage
- Relieving migraines and headaches
- Improving skin conditions
- Increasing natural energy levels
- Improving sleep quality and relaxation
- Strengthening immune system function to help fight off viruses
- Relieving muscle/joint pain and swelling

The appearance of each person’s foot bath can vary. Some baths may be thick and contain multiple colors, while others may be thinner and less colorful. Patients with regular sessions may notice that their foot baths become less cloudy as they feel better.
Depending on your specific condition(s) and environmental exposures, you may observe the following during your session:
Yellow-green: Indicates detoxification of the kidneys, bladder, urinary tract, and/or female prostate area; may indicate gynecological or prostate disorders.
Orange: Indicates detoxification of the joints or arteries; may indicate arthritis, gout, neuropathy, or pleurisy (inflammation of the tissues that line the lungs and chest cavity).
Brown: Indicates detoxification of the liver, lungs, tobacco, or cellular debris; often seen in patients who smoke or have been exposed to heavy second-hand smoke or another air pollutant.
Dark green or black: Indicates detoxification of the gallbladder or liver; may be associated with gallstones, acid reflux, a weak immune system, or nausea.
Red flecks: Typically, a sign of blood clot material may also be associated with arterial blockage, bruising, hypertension, or cold hands/feet.
White foam: Indicates detoxification of the lymphatic system or lymph nodes; may be an indication of a menstrual disorder, tender lymph nodes, or clogged skin caused by an allergy.
Black flecks: Indicates detoxification of heavy metals; other symptoms of toxicity may include chronic fatigue or memory problems.

Almost everyone can benefit from an ionic foot bath if they don’t have open sores or an infection on their feet. Our bodies are designed to detoxify naturally, but we are exposed to many toxins that can add stress and cause pain and dysfunction. An ionic foot bath is a safe and effective way to help the body detoxify from these stressors.
This treatment lasts approximately 30 minutes and can be offered in conjunction with other treatments or on its own. The desired results determine the number and frequency of treatments, which can be as often as every other day and no more than 15 in a month.
- Detox Foot Bath
- 45 minutes
- Detox Foot Bath
- 45 minutes each
- Detox Foot Bath
- 30 minutes
Ear Candling is an alternative healing practice for cleansing the ear canal that has been around for centuries. It is named after the hollow, waxed cloth candles the practitioner uses. This simple remedy assists in removing ear wax and may improve conditions such as:
- Sinus Problems
- Sore Throat
- Earache
- Swimmers Ear
- Constant Headache
- Allergies
- Hearing Difficulty
- Tinnitus
- Excessive Wax

The person receiving treatment is made comfortable. A cotton cone-shaped candle infused with beeswax, honey, and therapeutic oils is gently placed into the ear and lit. The low flame creates a slow vacuum, softening and drawing out old wax, toxins, and impurities while relieving pressure on the head and neck. This process allows aura and spiritual cleansing to purify and remove accumulated physical debris, which can block the optimal function and interconnectedness of the physical and higher senses.
Each session lasts approximately 45 minutes, and one candle is used per ear. Light Reiki and lymph massage are offered during the ear coning to help release congestion. Debris can surface and work out of the ear 24-48 hours after the treatment. The quickened effects of desired results the recipient notices can determine the number of treatments needed.
*Ear Candling is not recommended for people with recent ear surgery, infections, grommets, or perforated ear drums.
- Ear Candling
- 45 minutes
- Ear Candling
- 45 minutes each
- Ear Candling
- 30 minutes